Observation of Post-Constitution Politics and Governance in Nepal
2023 August
- 2018 January

DRCN has been conducting a nationwide observation of the implementation of federalism, and subnational governance since January 2018. This project includes reports on the function of local and provincial governments, and the inter-relationship between local, provincial, and federal governments.
Projects Report
- Preliminary Findings Report: Functioning of Local Governments in Nepal (July 2018)
- Final Report: Findings on Functioning of Local and Provincial Governments in Nepal (August 2018)
- Functioning of Local and Provincial Governments in Nepal (January 2019)
- Functioning of Local and Provincial Governments in Nepal (April 2019)
- Budget Allocation and Implementation by Local Governments (August 2019)
- Formation and Functioning of Provincial Institutions (August 2019)
- Functioning of, and Participation in, Provincial Assemblies (February 2020)
- School Education and Local Government (February 2020)
- Measures taken by Federal, Provincial and Local Governments To Prevent and Control Transmission of COVID-19 (April 2020)
- Management of Nepali Migrants Returning from India during the Lockdown (June 2020)
- Challenges Faced by Local Governments in Controlling COVID-19 Spread ( June 30, 2020)
- Isolation and Management of Individuals Infected with COVID-19 at Local Level (August 7, 2020)
- The Interrelationship between Three Levels of Governments in Nepal's Federal Structure (October 13, 2020)
- The Federal, Provincial and Local Governments in COVID-19 Prevention, Control and Treatment ( October 19, 2020)
- An Analysis of Incidents Related to the COVID-19 Pandemic in Nepal (November 28, 2020)
- Budget Prioritization and Implementation by Local Governments during the COVID-19 Pandemic (January 23, 2021)
- Federalism in Nepal - A Bibliography (March 4, 2021)
- Under-reporting an Endemic: Analysis of News Reports on Violence against Women in Nepal (April 11, 2021)
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